Books for Adlerian Play Therapists

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This engaging text delves into the process of play therapy from beginning to end. We designed the book to help students and practitioners use play therapy with children, adolescents, and adults who are struggling with emotional or behavioral problems or life challenges. With an equal emphasis on theory and practice, we describe skills and techniques for building relationships with clients; exploring their clinical issues and underlying dynamics; developing and working toward clear treatment goals; and collaborating with parents and teachers.

Adlerian Play Therapy Interventions for Telehealth Trying to come up with play therapy interventions that will work via a telehealth modality can be overwhelming and exhausting. This volume of interventions is a compilation of 73 activities written by 17 Adlerian play therapists who are working to adapt Adlerian play therapy to the telehealth delivery system.  For each of the intervention techniques, you will get a list of possible objectives and the phase of therapy for which they are designed, a description of the materials needed, a step-by-step set of instructions for doing the technique, and a explanation of any variations we  think might be helpful.  Be playful, planful, and effective in your telehealth play therapy sessions.

How to Talk So Gamers Will Listen and Listen So Gamers Will Talk: Using the Language of Video Games in Play Therapy and Counseling

This timely book (written by Terry Kottman, expert in counseling and play therapy, and Neal Petersen, Jacob Kottman, and Beth Lavenz, experts in gaming) is a guide to all things “gamer.” It will help you learn the vocabulary you need to talk to gamers and provide you with questions to ask (that sound like you know what you are talking about) and activities to use for helping gamer clients.  With descriptions of more than 80 currently popular video games, explanations of how to play each of them, questions to ask about each game, and activities to suggest using the language and metaphors from specific games, this book is your guide for interacting effectively with gamers.

Using Tabletop Games in Play Therapy

This entertaining and practical book will refresh and re-calibrate your ideas about tabletop games and teach you a plethora of new (and old) games you can use in play therapy and counseling.  The authors will provide you with lots of information about playing games as a fun way to help clients (children, teens, adults, families, groups) learn and practice social skills, anger management strategies, stress management skills, self-regulation, and organizational skills.

Partners in Play: An Adlerian Approach to Play Therapy (3rd ed.)

This is the definitive book on Adlerian play therapy, written by Terry Kottman, the “inventor” of Adlerian play therapy, and Kristin Meany-Walen, the person who conducted the research study that led to Adlerian play therapy being declared an evidence-based approach for working with children who exhibit externalizing behavior problems.